Women at St Andrew’s


Join a connected community of women of all ages and stages, rooted in God’s love and growing in fruitfulness. When we gather, individual gifts are valued and nurtured and we are equipped to reach out to our world. Whether this is your first time visiting church or you are a regular, you are welcome to join our various activities.

Welcome to our gatherings:


House Groups

House groups are small groups of people who meet to study the Bible, talk and pray with one another. If you would like to join one, there are plenty of options, including a number of all-women groups which meet during daytime on Thursdays and Fridays.

Explore more on our house group page.


Monday Mums

Monday Mums is a community of mums with children of all ages flourishing as we do life with each other and with God. At Monday Mums, we strive to offer warm hospitality, genuine care, and a programme catering for the particular needs and concerns of mums. We meet term time on Mondays in the St Andrew’s Church Main Hall 9:45–11:30. Come for coffee, cake, and chat, followed by small group Bible study and prayer.

For questions, please contact The Monday Mums Team and click below to check out the Autumn Term card.


Women’s Breakfast

Twice a year, women of all ages enjoy a breakfast together with an invited speaker. The next Breakfast will be on Saturday 10th May 8:30am, click here to sign up. or head to our calendar.


Women’s Weekend Away

Every other year we go for a women’s weekend away to get a chance to relax, build friendships and to grow in our faith through great bible teaching. Upcoming women’s weekends will be posted in the calendar.