Our vision and our heart for St Andrew’s is to see lives transformed by Jesus in every area of our lives and in the world.

Prayer is fundamental to our relationship with God and the starting point of God’s transformational work in our lives and society.

We meet regularly to pray in person & online, we would love you to join us at our prayer meetings (see below) you can also click the calendar for times and call in details.


Prayer & Praise (P2)

P2, our monthly prayer meeting at the church

First Monday of the month 8pm - 9:15pm

This is the most important meeting in the church diary, and all are invited to join us as we pray for the world, the nation, the city, the church, and ourselves.


Seek First Prayer

Seek First prayer meets online

Every Tuesday morning 7.30am - 8am

Offering a space to pray for revival and God’s Kingdom to come.


Cutteslowe Prayer

Cutteslowe prayer meets online

Every Thursday morning 8am - 9am

Offers a chance to pray regularly for the work in Cutteslowe.


Friday Morning Prayer

A 30-minute prayer meeting online

Every Friday morning 7:30am - 8am

We focus on the mission and ministry of St Andrew’s in the days ahead.


Prayer for faith for Healing

It happens every 3rd Monday of the month 7.30pm at the church to pray for physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental healing for church members and friends. 

Prayer Ministry

We offer prayer ministry after every Sunday service for the day to day challenges and to seek God afresh for the week ahead. We would love to stand alongside you in Prayer.


Prayer Room

Our prayer room is open daily if you would like to come in and pray during office hours. If you would like to arrange a time outside of office hours to use this space to pray, please contact the church office.


Need Pastoral Support?

Click here to take you to our Pastoral Care Page.


Upcoming Prayer Gatherings


For all upcoming dates, please see the calendar.