Be Involved

We believe that as the church, we’re God’s family, and as family, we look to always help and serve one another.


There are lots of different ways you can serve at St Andrew’s, from helping out with our children’s and youth work, being part of our worship team, running a course, supporting events and lots of other things!

Don’t worry if it is a new area for you as many of our teams offer training and your team leader will support you.

Please fill out the Be Involved form below and we will be in contact with you shortly.

Opportunities to Be Involved

If you are interested in joining a team, we would love to help you find that place for you to fit in. Do take a look at the teams below:

  • Do you love administration & being a welcoming face for anyone entering the church during the week? We are always needing volunteers for our reception. Please contact Anne

  • Technology is a part of our missional and pastoral ministry. If you have an interest in how we continue to facilitate online and in person worship using the technology that we have to hand, then we would love for you to consider helping out with things such as: sound, video, camera work, editing, livestreaming, content provision, or training of others. Please contact Roger

  • We have a team of volunteers journeying alongside our 0-18s in groups throughout the week and we are always on the look out for people with a calling to this area of ministry. Please get in touch with Liz or Lesley if you are prayerfully considering how to get involved. All ages welcome as we build our multi-generational team.

  • If you have a passion and a gifting in the creative, i.e. dance, drama, art, photography, please contact Jennie

  • If you have a love for arranging beautiful flowers then we would love you to join the team. Please contact the Church Office

  • Do you love meeting new people and welcoming new comers on Sundays? Would you be willing to be on a team of people who can do one-to-one follow up to welcome anyone new to St Andrew's in this new term? It would mean befriending those who are new, helping them to integrate with the church, and navigate their way around coming to Oxford.

    Do you like cooking, serving and generally hosting events or courses? We would love to see you express your gift of hospitality.

    Contact Church Office

  • Do you like to fix things or do you have a passion for Gardening? Can you spare an hour every few weeks to cut the grass outside our church, prune the flowers or help with maintenance of the Church? If you do contact Church Office

  • Men’s Breakfasts are a termly highlight at St Andrew’s and if you are able to cook up a fry or are great at welcoming or have a gift in planning new events. Please contact the Church Office

  • We offer a listening ear, prayer support and seek to help people to connect Jesus, his grace, and the resources of scripture to their own situation. If this is something that you feel you would like to get involved in, and that God may have equipped you for, please contact Rev Paul White.

  • Do you have a passion to see women thrive in and live to their full potential in Christ. We would love a team to dream dreams of new events for women in this new year. Could it be you?

    We also have a Monday Mums group that runs on Monday mornings, we are always in need of crèche helpers and coffee servers.

    Please contact Church Office

  • We long to see people from all ages and stages engage deeply with God through worship. We encourage the development of musical and leadership gifts, and foster a spiritual, prayerful approach to our worship. Musical expressions on a Sunday range from contemporary worship songs led by various bands to classic hymns and anthems with choir, organ, piano and melody instruments. There are also occasional Taizé services, midweek gatherings and musical concerts.

    There is a strong emphasis on training up new leaders, both youth and adult, for our bands and choir. We are particularly keen to involve young people in the worship team – in addition to our two Youth Bands young people are encouraged to play and sing alongside adults. We are always on the lookout for people of different ages to join the team. If you sing, play an instrument or are interested in projection and audio, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact the Music Director, Roger


Contact us

Please email the church office and we will put you in touch with the ministry you are interested in.


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Volunteer with a charity

St Andrew’s support a number of charities with our time, prayers and resources.