Growing Churches



A mission initiative


Cutteslowe Connected is a church that has been planted to thrive in the heart of the Cutteslowe community. It is a mission initiative from St Andrew’s supported by our friends at St Michael’s Summertown and St Peter’s Wolvercote. The church meets on a Sunday afternoon at the Cutteslowe Community Centre. Midweek, there is youth and families work and smaller "Connect" groups as those on the estate explore the Christian life together.

St Andrew's has been working in Cutteslowe for over 18 years and is committed to seeing the community thrive. We want to give more people the opportunity to have their lives transformed by Jesus and we desire to share God’s love with the whole community.

Cutteslowe Connected Church, together with local community partners, operate a Community Food Larder which helps support the community against food poverty and reduces food waste.

Cutteslowe Connected Church Website

Cutteslowe Connected Church Facebook page

Cutteslowe Community Larder Facebook page


How to support Cutteslowe

You can support us in lots of different ways:

  • Pray – St Andrew’s Church gather online to pray for the work in Cutteslowe every Thursday morning 8-9am via Zoom. You are also welcome to join Cutteslowe Connected Church for prayer via Zoom every third Tuesday of the month 8-9pm.

  • Give – Please put ‘Cutteslowe’ in the reference when you give to St Andrew’s Church.

  • Pray about going – If you feel God might be prompting you to join our work, please speak to Tom Murray.


Meet the Cutteslowe team


Tom Murray
Curate, Cutteslowe Team Leader
Email Tom
Phone: 01865 314841, Mobile: 07851600778

Arthur Franklin
Cutteslowe Pioneer Youth Worker

Email Arthur


Come and join us

We meet every Sunday at 3.30pm at the Cutteslowe Primary School: 31 Wren Rd, Oxford OX2 7SX (view in Google maps). Please have a look on our Facebook page or contact us for details on how to join in.