Waiting for Children


Running from the 6th November 2024 & the following 4 Wednesdays
This course will be run online via Zoom.

Infertility brings mixed emotions and thoughts and can be a lonely time for many couples. We aim to offer support and some teaching in various areas, recognising every journey is unique. Led by Rachel and Phil Allan with others from Oxford churches.


Impact on couples and Survival tips

Fertility treatment and ethics


Living fruitfully in a season of waiting

Further Information

The evenings run for 1hr 15mins. Discussions are in couples only with no group work or sharing. There is a time for Q&A and all couples are offered a support couple, with which to discuss things further outside of the course.

All couples are welcome, even if you can't make it every week. 

When joining the course online, whilst we welcome couples to have their Zoom cameras turned on, we recognise that some couples may wish to keep their cameras off and that is also fine. The key is that you feel comfortable attending.

If you have any questions, or to register your interest please contact: oxfordwfc@gmail.com